Eye Health Overview


A group of ocular diseases that affect the optic nerve (structure in the back of the eye that connects the eye to the brain). This condition causes loss of healthy nerve tissue resulting in loss of peripheral vision. In 2004 an estimated 2.2 million Americans had open angle glaucoma.

To learn more about glaucoma click here

Age Related Macular Degeneration:

Progressive eye disease causing central vision disturbance/loss as a result of the retina storing its waste products instead of properly disposing of them. Accumulation of cholesterol within the back layer of the retina can make straight lines appear wavy.

To learn more about macular degeneration click here

Amblyopia (Lazy eye):

Reduction of vision in one eye or both from an eye deviation (eye turned constantly in or out), glasses prescription much higher in one eye than the other, or blocking of the image to the eye (congenital cataract or ptosis). This condition doesn’t allow for the eye and brain to make connections resulting in poor vision that cannot be corrected for with glasses if caught too late. It is important for children to be screened at a young age to prevent amblyopia.

To learn more about amblyopia click here


Yellowing and opacification of the eyes natural lens (located behind the Iris- colored part of the eye) that causes vision to be reduced even with glasses. Once vision is reduced cataracts can be removed and replaced with a clear artificial lens during cataract surgery.

To learn more about cataracts click here

Strabismus (Eye turn):

Deviation of the eye in, out, up, or down. This condition can be corrected with surgery or trained with vision therapy. Double vision caused by this condition can be helped by placing special lenses in your glasses called prisms. Any new onset of double vision should be evaluated by your eye care provider.

To learn more about strabismus click here

Vitreous Degeneration (Floater):

The eye is filled with a jelly like substance called the vitreous. As we get older this jelly begins to break down and clump together. As it moves past our pupil we notice these “floaters”. Any new onset of floaters or flashing lights should always be evaluated by your eye care provider to ensure there is no tear in your retina.

To learn more about vitreous degeneration click here

Diabetic Retinopathy:

A condition that may develop in patients who have Diabetes. Over time having diabetes can cause blood vessels inside the eyes to become leaky causing bleeding and swelling inside the eye. If left uncontrolled diabetic retinopathy can cause blurred vision or even blindness. It is important for diabetics to have an annual dilated exam from their eye care provider.

To learn more about diabetic retinopathy click here